
From Deadlock Wiki
Yamato (Kaori)
Weapon Sister's Lament
DPS 70
Health 500
Speed 8.3 m/s
Stamina 3
Voice Unknown

"Let's take out Mc-cg- Mc- Mg-.. Ugh, KILL HER!"

Yamato is a mysterious samurai with a long katana and a variety of close-quarters burst damage options. Her power slash lets her deal a sharp chunk of damage to enemies from a distance, while her close-range crimson slash keeps her healed up for battle. If she needs to get even closer for face-to-face combat, she'll throw a grappling hook at an enemy for a flying strike. And if she wants to become the center of attention, she can cheat death with her red-tinged shadow transformation, making it impossible to take her down - at least for a few seconds.


Delivers charged attacks with finesse
Yamato uses precise strikes to decimate her rivals. However, such damaging attacks often leave her exposed, so she needs to make every shot count.



  • Sister's Lament
  • 70 DPS
  • 5.65 Bullet Damage
  • 12 Ammo
  • Ammo scaling: x0.15
  • 2.5 Bullets per sec
  • 69 Light Melee
  • 128 Heavy Melee


  • 500 Max Health
  • 2 Health Regen
  • 0% Bullet Resist
  • 10% Spirit Resist
  • 8 m/s move Speed
  • 0 m/s Sprint Speed
  • 3 Stamina

Level up:

  • +0.45 Base Bullet Damage
  • +3.4 Base Melee Damage
  • +31 base health


  • Time per bullet: 0.4
  • Bullets per second: 2.5
  • Bullet radius: 3
  • Bullet spread: 2
  • Bullets per shot: 5
  • Bullet speed: 10000
  • Reload time: 2.444000
  • Magazine size: 12
  • Magazine size scaling: x0.15
  • Pellet spread: N/A
  • Reload type: Magazine
  • Bullet lifetime: 2
  • Bullet gravity scale: 0
  • Bullet range: 6
  • Falloff Range: 22m-46m
  • Burst amount: 1
  • Burst cycletime: 0.400000
  • Recoil punch: 0
  • Has recoil: No

Alt-fire Advanced:

  • Time per bullet: 0.4
  • Bullets per second: 2.5
  • Bullet radius: 13
  • Bullet spread: 0.5
  • Bullets per shot: 3
  • Bullet speed: 10000
  • Reload time: 2.444000
  • Magazine size: 12
  • Pellet spread: N/A
  • Reload type: Magazine
  • Bullet lifetime: 2
  • Bullet gravity scale: 1
  • Bullet range: 6
  • Burst amount: 1
  • Burst cycletime: 1
  • Recoil punch: 0
  • Has recoil: No


Power Slash

Channel to increase damage over 1.4 seconds, then release a fully charged sword strike.
Press [1] or [Mouse1] to trigger the strike early, dealing partial damage.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Channel time:
  • Cooldown: 10.5s
  • Radius: 6.5m
  • Trait 1: 160 Damage
  • Trait 1 scaling:
  • Trait 2: 25m Slash length
  • Upgrade 1: Gain +60 bullet resist while channeling
  • Upgrade 2: -2s Ability Cooldown and apply 40% movement slow for 3s
  • Upgrade 3: +200 full charge damage


  • Can be interrupted with Parry.

Flying Strike

Throw a grappling hook to reel yourself towards an enemy, damaging and slowing the target when you arrive.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Cooldown: 21s
  • Range: 20m
  • Trait 1: 70 Damage
  • Trait 2: 30% Movement slow
  • Trait 3: 2.5s Slow duration
  • Upgrade 1: +25% Movement slow
  • Upgrade 2: +20m Cast range
  • Upgrade 3: +6 Weapon Damage for 10s after striking the target.

Crimson Slash

Slash enemies in front of you, damaging them and slowing their fire rate. If any enemy heroes are hit, you heal.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Cooldown: 11.5s
  • Range: 13m
  • Trait 1: 60 Damage
  • Trait 1 scaling:
  • Trait 2: Heal 70 HP on hero hit
  • Trait 2 scaling:
  • Trait 3: 20% Fire Rate Slow
  • Trait 4: 4s Debuff Duration
  • Upgrade 1: -+30% Fire Rate Slow
  • Upgrade 2: +10% of Max Health
  • Upgrade 3: -5.75s Cooldown

Shadow Transformation

Become infused with Yamato's shadow soul. After an initial invincible transformation, your abilities are refreshed and are 60% faster, and you gain immunity to negative status effects. You are unable to die in this mode.

  • Damage type: N/A
  • Cooldown: 106s
  • Channel Time: 2s
  • Trait 1: 4s Duration
  • Trait 2: +60% Ability Speed
  • Trait 3: +40% Spirit Resist
  • Trait 4: +40% Bullet Resist
  • Upgrade 1: -28s Cooldown
  • Upgrade 2: +4 m/s Move Speed
  • Upgrade 3: +2s Duration

Default build

Early Game

  1. Extra Regen
  2. Close Quarters
  3. Headshot Booster
  4. Mystic Burst
  5. Extra Spirit
  6. Enduring Spirit

Mid Game

  1. Cold Front
  2. Mystic Shot
  3. Soul Shredder Bullets
  4. Bullet Armor
  5. Spirit Armor
  6. Healbane

Late Game

  1. Improved Burst
  2. Torment Pulse
  3. Improved Spirit
  4. Point Blank
  5. Frenzy
  6. Boundless Spirit
  7. Refresher



  • Power Slash cooldown increased from 8.5s to 10.5s
  • Power Slash T2 now also reduces cooldown by 2s
  • Shadow Transformation no longer grants you bullet and spirit resist
  • Shadow Transformation duration reduced from 4.5s to 4s


  • Bullet damage growth reduced from 0.5 to 0.45
  • Crimson Slash fire rate slow reduced from 30% to 20%
  • Fixed various issues with Flying Strike pathing
  • Shadow Transformation duration reduced from 5s to 4.5s
  • Shadow Transformation T3 duration increased from +1.5s to +2s
  • Shadow Transformation no longer provides unlimited ammo


  • Ammo now scales with Spirit Power (0.15)
  • Power Slash damage reduced from 170 to 160
  • Grapple post cast duration reduced from 0.5 to 0.2
  • Alt fire now fixed to work with conditional damage sources (point blank, pristine emblem, etc)
  • Shadow Transformation bullet and spirit resistance reduced from 55% to 40%
  • Can now interrupt Power Slash with parry
  • Unlisted
  • Crimson Slash T3 cooldown reduction reduced from -6s to -5.75s
  • Shadow Transformation T1 cooldown reduction reduced from -30s to -28s


  • Power Slash max damage time requirement reduced from 1.5s to 1.4s
  • Power Slash collision radius reduced by 8%
  • Crimson Slash radius increased from 12m to 13m
  • Fixed being able to die during Shadow Transformation if hit by Grey Talon's Owl
  • Fixed some cases where Flying Strike could get into a stuck state
  • Fixed some cases where Crimson Slash would appear to be cast when it wasn't


  • Base melee damage increased by 10%
  • Flying Strike T3 now procs after the ability ends, rather than when connecting to the target


  • Power Slash collision size reduced by 10%
  • Bullet damage growth increased from 0.4 to 0.5


  • Shadow Transformation incoming damage reduction reduced from 70% to 55%
  • Shadow Transformation changed from 70% debuff reduction to the same buff as Unstoppable


  • Power Slash damage reduced from 175 to 170
  • Can now cancel Flying Strike
  • Shadow Transformation damage and debuff resistance reduced from 80% to 70%
  • Shadow Transformation duration increased from 4.5s to 5s


  • Shadow Transformation now causes you to be unable to die during the buff


  • Shadow Transformation now provides 80% Damage Resistance and 80% Debuff Resistance instead of invulnerability during the post-channel buff
  • Shadow Transformation cooldown reduced from 110s to 100s
  • Shadow Transformation T3 increased from +1s to +1.5s


  • Power Slash spirit scaling improved from 1.6 to 2.0
  • Power Slash no longer does a very minor movement on enemies hit
  • Fixed Power Slash sometimes not being a full charge when channeled fully during the Shadow Transformation
  • Shadow Transformation's ability speedup now affects the post-cast durations as well
  • Shadow Transformation's ability speedup now improves the visual animations (cosmetic only change)


  • Shadow Explosion renamed to Shadow Transformation and reworked into a new ability
  • Shadow Transformation no longer has radius impact behavior
  • Shadow Transformation now gives you 4.5s of invulnerability after the initial 2s invulnerable channel period. You transform and refresh your abilities, improving ability speeds by 60% and gaining unlimited ammo. "Ability Speeds" affects Power Slash cast time, Flying Strike flying time, and Crimson Slash cast time.
  • Shadow Transformation cooldown increased from 90s to 100s
  • Shadow Transformation T2 is now +4 m/s during Shadow Form
  • Shadow Transformation T3 is now +1s duration


  • Shadow Explosion cooldown reduced from 120s to 90s


  • Crimson Slash cooldown reduced from 13s to 11s
  • Power Slash physics/world collision reduced from 15 to 4 (allowing it to be more easily used near objects)
  • Shadow Explosion radius increased from 14m to 16m
  • Shadow Explosion Fire Rate and Spirit buff duration increased from 15s to 20s
  • Shadow Explosion T3 Spirit bonus increased from +10% to +15%
  • Shadow Explosion T3 Fire Rate bonus increased from +5% to +10%


  • Crimson Slash radius increased from 11m to 12m
  • Crimson Slash fire rate debuff duration increased from 3s to 4s
  • Crimson Slash T2 changed from "-5s Cooldown" to "10% Max Health heal on hero hit"
  • Crimson Slash T3 changed from "12% Max Health heal on hero hit" to "-6s Cooldown"
  • Power Slash T1 Bullet Resist increased from 40% to 60%
  • Flying Strike cooldown reduced from 35 to 20
  • Flying Strike T2 changed from "-15s Cooldown" to "+20 Cast Range"
  • Flying Strike range no longer scales with Spirit
  • Shadow Explosion bonus Spirit per victim increased from 10 to 15
  • Shadow Explosion bonus Fire Rate per victim increased from 5 to 10
  • Shadow Explosion buff duration increased from 8s to 15s


A Fate's Tale


犯罪組織のボスの家に生まれたカオリと兄のヤマトは、 父の死後、セブンスムーンの運営を引き継ぐ運命に あることをずっと自覚していた。彼らは何年もの間、 二頭体制で組織を運営し、利益と成功をもたらし、 アメリカへの進出も計画していた。

計画は単純だった。カオリは日本に残って国内を 統制し、ヤマトはアメリカに渡り国際的な拠点を 作るはずだった。兄妹にとって不運だったのは、 カオリが日本で指揮をとるという計画を快く 思わない部下たちがいたことだった。

反逆は迅速かつ暴力的だった。ヤマトが命を犠牲に してカオリを守ったおかげで、カオリは一握りの 部下たちと共に日本からアメリカへ逃れることができた。

アメリカに到着したカオリとその一行を迎え入れたのは、 ヤマトを出迎えるはずの人物だった。その男は 日本人の名前には馴染みがなく、カオリのことを 「ヤマト」と呼んだ。カオリは間違いを正そうかと思ったが、 兄を記憶に留める最善の方法は、自分がヤマトの 名前を受け継ぎ、彼の夢をかなえることだと決意した。


Born into the family of a crime boss, Kaori and her older brother Yamato have always known that they were destined to take over the management of Seventh Moon after their father's death. They ran the organization as a two-headed organization for years, with profits and success, and plans to expand into America.

The plan was simple. Kaori was supposed to remain in Japan and control the country, while Yamato was supposed to go to America and establish an international base. Unfortunately for the siblings, some of their subordinates were not happy with Kaori's plan to take command in Japan. The rebellion was swift and violent. Thanks to Yamato sacrificing his life to protect Kaori, Kaori was able to escape from Japan to America with a handful of his subordinates.

When Kaori and her group arrived in America, the person who was supposed to welcome Yamato was the one who welcomed them. The man was not familiar with Japanese names and called Kaori "Yamato. Kaori thought about correcting his mistake, but decides that the best way to remember her brother is to inherit Yamato's name and make his dreams come true.


  • Yamato speaks almost exclusively in Japanese, with the exception of callouts to teammates.


== Heroes ==