
From Deadlock Wiki
Weapon Deep Sea
DPS 60
Health 550
Speed 7.3 m/s
Stamina 3
Voice Yuri Lowenthal

"I am not a pile of goo. I am merely piloting a pile of goo!"

Viscous is an approximately goo-shaped entity who spreads himself all around to disrupt and damage groups of enemies. With his long range and repeating stuns, he acts as a support nuker who creates space for his allies while softening up enemies. He can splatter his body and leave viscous puddles that bounce and slow enemies, and when that fails, he can puddle punch them and knock them out of position. When he's low on health, or needs to avoid whatever the enemy is doing, he can use The Cube to protect his plasma. And when he needs to avoid all subtlety, he can turn into a massive green ball that rams into enemies at incredible speed.


Rolls around deflecting bullets
Viscous vexes his opponents through clever evasion and strategic uses of healing, enabling him to withstand the most brutal of enemy attacks.



  • Deep Sea Interpreter
  • 60 DPS
  • 12 Bullet Damage
  • 20 Ammo
  • 5 Bullets per sec
  • 63 Light Melee
  • 116 Heavy Melee


  • 550 Max Health
  • 2 Health Regen
  • 0% Bullet Resist
  • 0% Spirit Resist
  • 7 m/s move Speed
  • 0 m/s Sprint Speed
  • 3 Stamina

Level up:

  • +1.10 bullet damage
  • +3.4 base melee damage
  • +38 base health


  • Time per bullet: 0.2
  • Bullets per second: 5
  • Bullet radius: 5
  • Bullet spread: 0.2
  • Bullets per shot: 1
  • Bullet speed: 6000
  • Reload time: 2.1
  • Magazine size: 20
  • Pellet spread: N/A
  • Reload type: Magazine
  • Bullet lifetime: 2
  • Bullet gravity scale: 1
  • Bullet range: 7000
  • Falloff Range: 22m-58m
  • Burst amount: 1
  • Burst cycletime: 0.2
  • Recoil punch: 0
  • Has recoil: Yes



Throw a ball of goo that deals damage and leaves puddles of goo behind that apply movement slow to enemies in its radius.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Cooldown: 21s
  • Radius: 5m
  • Trait 1: 90 Damage
  • Trait 1 scaling: 1.9
  • Trait 2: 35% Movement Slow
  • Trait 3: 10s Puddle Duration
  • Trait 3 Extra: Puddle Damage 75 DPS
  • Trait 3 scaling: x0.4914
  • Upgrade 1: -5.75s Cooldown
  • Upgrade 2: +60 Damage and +1m Radius
  • Upgrade 3: Bounces 2 times

The Cube

Enclose the target in a cube of restorative goo that protects from damage, and increases health regen. Target is unable to take any new actions while cubed. Can be used on self.
Press [SPACE] to escape early.

  • Cooldown: 48s
  • Range: 30m
  • Trait 1: +40 Health Regen
  • Trait 1 scaling:
  • Trait 2: 4s Duration
  • Upgrade 1: Increases movement speed and stamina recovery
  • Upgrade 2: Removes all Debuffs and -21s cooldown
  • Upgrade 3: +60 health Regen

Puddle Punch

Materialize a fist in the world that punches units in the area and send them flying. Enemies will be dealt damage, have their dash distance reduced for a brief moment, and have their movement slowed. This is considered a light melee attack.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Charges: 1
  • Charge time: 1.5s
  • Cooldown: 30s
  • Radius: 4m
  • Range: 40m
  • Trait 1: 69 Damage (Increases with melee damage)
  • Trait 2: 20% Movement slow
  • Trait 3: 4s Slow duration
  • Upgrade 1: +1 Charges
  • Upgrade 2: +35 Damage and +20% Movement Slow
  • Upgrade 3: -11.5s Cooldown


  • Has an enemy warning time of 0.45s.

Goo Ball

Morph into a large goo ball that deals damage and stuns enemies on impact. The ball grants large amounts of bullet and spirit resist, bounces off walls and can double jump.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Cooldown: 95s
  • Duration: 10s
  • Move Speed: 14m/s (While accelerating: 25.7777777778m/s)
  • Trait 1: 140 DPS
  • Trait 1 scaling: x1.300000
  • Trait 2: 0.7s Stun Duration
  • Trait 3: +70% Spirit Resist
  • Trait 4: +60% Bullet Resist
  • Upgrade 1: +5s Duration
  • Upgrade 2: +120 Damage
  • Upgrade 3: Can cast abilities and use items while rolling


  • Has a stun frequency of 1.25s

Default build

Early Game

  1. Monster Rounds
  2. Mystic Burst
  3. Enduring Spirit
  4. Extra Charge
  5. Extra Spirit
  6. Mystic Reach

Mid Game

  1. Berserker
  2. Healing Booster
  3. Bullet Armor
  4. Spirit Armor

Late Game

  1. Improved Burst
  2. Rapid Recharge
  3. Torment Pulse
  4. Improved Spirit
  5. Improved Spirit Armor
  6. Lucky Shot



  • Goo Ball no longer triggers on hit effect while in Ethereal Shift
  • Fixed Superior Stamina dash count not working with Goo Ball
  • Goo Ball stun duration reduced from 1s to 0.7s
  • Splatter base damage reduced from 100 to 90
  • Splatter T2 reduced from +70 to +60
  • Splatter Spirit damage scale increased from 1.5 to 1.9
  • Fixed Instant Cast not working for Puddle Punch


  • Updated Viscous icon to look more different from Dynamo
  • Viscous Puddle Punch will now show a red preview for when the punch is out of range but within 2x of the cast range
  • Updated wall bounce effects for Viscous in ball form
  • The Cube cleanse is now part of the T2
  • Puddle Punch enemy warning time increased from 0.35s to 0.45s
  • Bullet Damage reduced from 13 to 12
  • Can now use down dash during Goo Ball
  • Fixed Phantom Strike not positioning you correctly when using it with your Goo Ball
  • Splatter post cast delay reduced from 0.5s to 0.2s


  • Puddle Punch now correctly knocks people in The Cube up in the air
  • Improved various issues with the camera
  • Puddle punch now telegraphs an effect before it forms
  • Base bullet damage reduced from 14 to 13
  • Splatter damage reduced from 110 to 100
  • Goo Ball turn rate improved a bit
  • Goo Ball stun frequency cooldown improved from 1.5s to 1.25s
  • Fixed Puddle Punch piercing Unstoppable
  • Unlisted
  • Splatter T1 cooldown reduction reduced from -6s to -5.75s
  • Cube T2 cooldown recuction reduced from -22s to -21s
  • Cube T3 cooldown reduction reduced from -12s to -11.5s


  • Puddle Punch base cast range from 60m to 40m
  • Puddle Punch T2 damage from +50 to +35
  • Puddle Punch base cooldown increased from 24 to 28
  • Puddle Punch now knocks people less high into the air
  • Base clip reduced from 24 to 20, Alt Fire now requires 5 bullets


  • Primary Fire redesigned to make it more usable and have improved damage and scaling
  • Now has an Alt Fire that has limited range, but deals AOE damage that cannot headshot
  • Splatter Spirit Scaling increased from 1.4 to 1.5
  • Splatter Damage on 2nd and 3rd hit increased from 66% and 33% to 70% and 50%
  • Puddle Punch damage increased from 100% to 110% of Light Melee
  • Puddle Punch T2 is now +50 damage and +20% movement slow (was -10s cooldown)
  • Puddle Punch T3 is now -12s cooldown (was +80 damage and +20% movement slow)
  • Puddle Punch: delay before punch increased from 0.25s to 0.35s
  • Goo Ball Spirit Scaling increased from 1.05 to 1.3
  • Goo Ball acceleration increased
  • Goo Ball base turn radius and turn radius after bouncing has been increased
  • Fixed a bug where Goo Ball would have the direction and trail particle stuck on


  • Fixed Splatter direct hits counting as the second hit
  • Fix Damage prevention after being hit by Viscous' Goo Ball being reduced by Debuff Reducer
  • The Cube cast range increased from 25m to 30m
  • The Cube T2 cooldown reduced from -25s to -22s
  • Puddle Punch now deals light melee damage and is affected by melee items
  • Puddle Punch Charge Delay increased from 0.5s to 1.5s
  • Goo Ball duration reduced from 12s to 10s
  • Goo Ball T1 duration reduced from +6s to +5s
  • Goo Ball cooldown increased from 80s to 90s
  • Goo Ball now deals 50% damage to bosses
  • Goo Ball spirit resist reduced from 80% to 70%
  • Goo Ball bullet resist reduced from 70% to 60%
  • Goo Ball can now only stun and damage a target once every 1.5s, up from once every 1.0s
  • Goo Ball acceleration lowered a bit
  • Stunning or immobilizing Viscous now stops the ball from moving, and prevents him from doing damage and stunning


  • Added a directional arrow particle effect to Goo Ball for Viscous
  • Added additional particles while using Goo Ball
  • Fixed hit detection on Puddle Punch and Goo Ball
  • Fixed Puddle Punch having 2x the range of the tooltip.
  • Fixed Puddle Punch being able to target behind puddle
  • Fixed Puddle Punch using Guardians as a surface to punch from
  • Puddle Punch Range reduced from 70m to 60m
  • Splatter now deals less damage if it hits the same target multiple times. 66% damage for the second hit, 33% damage for the third hit.
  • Splatter Cooldown from 18s to 20s
  • Splatter Base Damage from 120 to 110


A Fate's Tale

The Bermuda Triangle was never a myth, it was a shadowline nexus deep underneath the Atlantic Ocean. For the most part, the things that escaped this astral gate were benign (like Nessie), but now something dark and predatory known only as The Adversary hunts the seas... And ocean denizens are scared to death.

One of those inhabitants, a psychic sea anemone, wants to do something about it. Summoning an ectoplasmic goo body to traverse the surface, Viscous is desperately trying to summon the Patrons in order to keep the deep safe from the horror that lurks below.


  • Viscous will soon be receiving a new model, as his current model is a reused version of Kelvin's Neon Prime model with a helmet added over top.
