
From Deadlock Wiki
Weapon Busted Flush
DPS 60
Health 600
Speed 7.3 m/s
Stamina 3
Voice Unknown

"There's a lotta scary things out there, kid - I'm just scarier."

Shiv is a knife-wielding monster hunter with a badass haircut who kills his enemies with the power of pure rage - and also bullets. Acting as a dedicated duelist, his weakness in a group fight is made up for by his fearsome damage. His serrated knives apply bleed from a distance, while his forward dash deals a huge chunk of damage. Bloodletting significantly increases his health by deferring and clearing damage, and when his enemies are hurt enough, he jumps at them for a killing blow. When he deals enough damage to his enemies, his rage reaches a boiling point, enhancing his abilities. He doesn't play fair, but when he gets in an honest fight, he wins.


Bleeds out foes, then goes in for the kill
Shiv has zero interest in playing fair, which is why he relies on hit and run tactics to weaken enemies before he dives in for the kill.



  • Busted Flush
  • 60 DPS
  • 5.7 Bullet Damage
  • 10 Ammo
  • 1.9 Bullets per sec
  • 63 Light Melee
  • 116 Heavy Melee


  • 600 Max Health
  • 2 Health Regen
  • 0% Bullet Resist
  • 0% Spirit Resist
  • 7 m/s move Speed
  • 0 m/s Sprint Speed
  • 3 Stamina

Level up:

  • +0.40 Base Bullet Damage
  • +3.4 Base Melee Damage
  • +35 base health


  • Time per bullet: 0.525
  • Bullets per second: 2.5
  • Bullet radius: 3
  • Bullet spread: 1.5
  • Bullets per shot: 6
  • Bullet speed: 10000
  • Reload time: 2.8
  • Magazine size: 10
  • Pellet spread: 0.5
  • Reload type: Magazine
  • Bullet lifetime: 2
  • Bullet gravity scale: 0.8
  • Bullet range: 6
  • Burst amount: 1
  • Burst cycletime: N/A
  • Recoil punch: 1.1
  • Has recoil: Yess

Alt-fire Advanced:

  • Time per bullet: 1.2
  • Bullets per second: 0.833333333333
  • Bullet radius: 3
  • Bullet spread: 1.5
  • Bullets per shot: 2
  • Bullet speed: 10000
  • Reload time: 2.8
  • Magazine size: 10
  • Pellet spread: 0.5
  • Reload type: Magazine
  • Bullet lifetime: 2
  • Bullet gravity scale: 0.8
  • Bullet range: 6
  • Falloff Range: 20m-41m
  • Burst amount: 1
  • Burst cycletime: 1
  • Recoil punch: 4
  • Has recoil: Yes


  • Sends Shiv backwards on each shot


Serrated Knives

Throw a knife that damages and bleeds an enemy. Each additional hit adds a stack and refreshes the bleed duration, causing the bleed to increase per stack.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Charges: 2
  • Charge time: 2s
  • Cooldown: 19s
  • Channel time: 0.2s
  • Trait 1: 35 Damage
  • Trait 1 scaling: x0.6
  • Trait 2: 5 Bleep DPS Per Knife
  • Trait 2 scaling: x0.16
  • Trait 3: 5s Bleed Duration

Ultimate Unlock: While rage is full knives will ricochet to another enemy and apply a slow to enemies they bleed.

  • Trait 1: 35% Movement Slow
  • Upgrade 1: +1 Charges
  • Upgrade 2: +2s Bleed Duration
  • Upgrade 3: +40 Damage and +5 Bleed DPS


Slice and Dice

Perform a dash forward, damaging enemies along the path.

Ultimate Unlock: While rage is full and echo of Shiv retraces the dash path after a short delay, damaging enemies again.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Cooldown: 16s
  • Trait 1: 105 Damage
  • Trait 1 scaling: x1.3
  • Trait 2: 12m Dash Range
  • Upgrade 1: -4s Cooldown
  • Upgrade 2: +75 Damage
  • Upgrade 3: Reduce Cooldown by 2s per enemy her hit (1s for Non-Hero). Max -6 per Dash.


Take only a portion of incoming damage immediately and defer the rest to be taken over time. Activate to clear a portion of the deferred damage.

  • Damage type: N/A
  • Cooldown: 21s
  • Trait 1: 30% Incoming Damage Deferred
  • Trait 2: 10s Deferred Damaged Duration
  • Trait 3: On Activate, 40% Deferred Damage Cleared

Ultimate Unlock: While rage is full the amount of damage deferred is increased.

  • Trait 1: +15% Incoming Damage Deferred
  • Upgrade 1: +5s Deferred Damage
  • Upgrade 2: -4.75s Cooldown
  • Upgrade 3: +25% Deferred Damage Cleared

Killing Blow

Activate to leap towards an enemy hero and instantly kill them if their health is below the kill threshold, otherwise deal 200 damage to them.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Cooldown: 95s
  • Range: 20m
  • Trait 1: 20% Enemy heath threshold

Passive: Damaging enemies fills you with rage. While at full rage, Shiv gains increased damage and special properties on his other abilities.

  • Trait 1: +15% Full Rage Damage Bonus
  • Upgrade 1: Gain +2m/s move speed while at full rage.
  • Upgrade 2: +8% Enemy health threshold and +10% Full Rage Bonus Damage.
  • Upgrade 3: Finishing off an enemy with Killing Blow resets its cooldown.

Rage Resource Breakdown

Rage amount: 10

  • Rage drain rate: 0.3 per second
  • Delay before Rage drain: 10s
  • Rage gain per bullet damage: 0.015
  • Rage gain per spirit damage: 0.013
  • Rage gain per light melee: 1.5
  • Rage gain per heavy melee: 3.5
  • Non-Hero resource gain scaling: 0.2

Default build

Early Game

  1. Extra Regen
  2. Extra Health
  3. Close Quarters
  4. Basic Magazine
  5. Extra Spirit

Mid Game

  1. Mystic Shot
  2. Soul Shredder Bullets
  3. Slowing Bullets
  4. Enduring Speed
  5. Spirit Armor
  6. Bullet Armor
  7. Bullet Resist Shredder
  8. Spirit Lifesteal
  9. Mystic Vulnerability

Late Game

  1. Surge of Power
  2. Debuff Remover
  3. Mystic Slow
  4. Point Blank
  5. Improved Spirit Armor
  6. Improved Spirit
  7. Superior Cooldown
  8. Boundless Spirit
  9. Escalating Exposure



  • Rage decay rate increased from 0.25 to 0.3
  • Rage buffer duration reduced from 12s to 10s


  • Fixed Shiv's Killing Blow sometimes sending him into orbit
  • Fixed Shiv's Killing Blow continuing to do damage while being teleported by Quantum Entanglement
  • Slice and Dice Spirit damage scaling increased from 1.2 to 1.3
  • Slice and Dice T1 improved from -3.75s to -4s
  • Rage decay rate reduced from 0.35 to 0.25
  • Rage buffer duration increased from 7s to 12s (how long it stays before starting to decay)


  • Turned off a Shiv line where he referenced slowing down enemies when he wasn't actually doing so
  • Slice and Dice T2 reduced from +85 to +75
  • Killing Blow Rage buildup per spirit damage reduced from 0.02 to 0.013
  • Killing Blow Rage drain rate increased from 0.3 to 0.35
  • Killing Blow Full Rage Bonus Damage reduced from 20% to 15%
  • Killing Blow T2 increased from 5% to 10%


  • Adjusted Shiv's running reload animation
  • Fixed issues with Serrated Knives hitting targets behind walls
  • Slice and Dice damage reduced from 125 to 105
  • Bloodletting Deferred Damage Cleared reduced from 50% to 40%
  • Killing Blow Bonus Damage from Full Rage reduced from +25% to +20%
  • Killing Blow T2 now also increases Rage Amp by +5%
  • Unlisted
  • Slice and dice T1 cooldown reduction reduced from -4s to -3.75s
  • Bloodletting T2 cooldown reduction reduced from -5s to -4.75s


  • Bullet damage growth per boon reduced from 0.5 to 0.4
  • Gun falloff range reduced by 10%
  • Health growth per boon reduced from +41 to +35
  • Slice and Dice T2 reduced from +100 to +85
  • Slice and Dice T3 now considers creeps for only half value
  • Bloodletting deferred damage reduced from 35% to 30%
  • The targeting UI for Shiv's Killing Blow is now more clear about when the target will be killed


  • Bloodletting incoming damage deferred reduced from 40% to 35%


  • Gun base damage reduced from 6.3 to 5.7
  • Serrated Knives collision size reduced by 10%
  • Serrated Knives projectile speed reduced by 10%
  • Serrated Knives base damage reduced from 75 to 35
  • Serrated Knives spirit scaling reduced from 1 to 0.6
  • Serrated Knives DPS spirit scaling reduced from 0.2 to 0.16
  • Serrated Knives T3 reduced from +75 Damage and +5 Bleed to +40 Damage and +5 Bleed
  • Fixed Serrated Knives bouncing to other units even if it did not impact the target
  • Fixed Rage and Bloodletting not clearing out on death
  • Fixed Bloodletting deferred damage waking him up from sleep
  • Fixed Killing Blow falling through the world sometimes


A Fate's Tale

A loyal member of "The Baxter Society", an international international order of monster hunters, Shiv travels across North America looking to put down creatures that prey on the living.

While his less polished nature and criminal past make some of the more traditional members of the Society wary, no one can deny his effectiveness.


  • Shiv is a member of The Baxter Society, the same group Grey Talon founded and once worked for.
