
From Deadlock Wiki
Arin Fairfax
Weapon The Black Sheep
DPS 70
Health 550
Spirit resist -15%
Speed 7.3 m/s
Stamina 3
Voice Unknown

"I'll do whatever it takes to keep this case from my father."

Pocket is a tall, slender, and pretty little thing who flies around looking for an opportunity to burst onto the scene. With their strong shotgun and area damage, they flank enemies in unfavourable positions, using their mobility to efficiently get in and out. Their flying cloak gives them a teleport, their barrage of spirits lets them extend their midair flight, and their enchanter's satchel lets them hide away into a safe little box. And if need be, their froggy affliction will spread damage across the enemy for a long, long time.


Infiltrates and disrupts the backline
With a powerful shotgun and a thin frame, Pocket relies on their ability to briefly escape into a mystic suitcase and teleport via a flying cloak in order to survive close encounters.



  • The Black Sheep
  • 70 DPS
  • 5 Bullet Damage
  • 11 Ammo
  • 2 Bullets per sec
  • 63 Light Melee
  • 116 Heavy Melee


  • 550 Max Health
  • 2 Health Regen
  • 0% Bullet Resist
  • -15% Spirit Resist
  • 7 m/s move Speed
  • 0 m/s Sprint Speed
  • 3 Stamina

Level up:

  • +0.40 bullet damage
  • +3.4 base melee damage
  • +31 base health


  • Time per bullet: 0.5
  • Bullets per second: 2
  • Bullet radius: 3
  • Bullet spread: 0
  • Bullets per shot: 7
  • Bullet speed: 22000
  • Reload time: 2.82
  • Magazine size: 11
  • Pellet spread: 0.5
  • Reload type: Magazine
  • Bullet lifetime: 2
  • Bullet gravity scale: 0.8
  • Bullet range: 6
  • Falloff Range: 16m-46m
  • Burst amount: 1
  • Burst cycletime: N/A
  • Recoil punch: 0.8
  • Has recoil: Yes



Channel to start launching projectiles that deal damage and apply movement slow around their impact point. Each projectile landed on a hero grants you a stacking buff that amplifies all of your damage.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Cooldown: 32s
  • Channel duration: 2s
  • Radius 4.5m
  • Trait 1: 6% Amp Per Stack
  • Trait 2: 35 Damage Per Projectile
  • Trait 2 scaling: x0.39312
  • Trait 3: 30% Movement Slow
  • Trait extra 1: 4 Projectile Amount
  • Trait extra 2: 1.5s Slow Duration
  • Trait extra 3: 15s Amp Duration
  • Upgrade 1: +15 Damage Per Projectile
  • Upgrade 2: -14s Cooldown
  • Upgrade 3: +4% Amp Per Stack and 2m Radius

Flying Cloak

Launch a sentient cloak that travels forward and damages enemies. You can press [2] to teleport to its location.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Cooldown: 32s
  • Radius: 5m
  • Trait 1: 90 Damage
  • Trait 1 scaling: x1.11384
  • Trait extra 1: 3.2s Lifetime
  • Upgrade 1: -14s Cooldown
  • Upgrade 2: +80 Damage
  • Upgrade 3: +7 Weapon Damage for 10s after teleporting with Flying Cloak.

Enchanter's Satchel

Escape into your suitcase. When the duration ends, deal damage to nearby enemies. Duration can be ended early by performing any action.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Cooldown: 17s
  • Trait 1: 2s Escape Duration
  • Trait 2: 100 Damage
  • Trait 2 scaling: x0.6552
  • Upgrade 1: -4.75s Cooldown
  • Upgrade 2: +80 Damage
  • Upgrade 3: Applies 40% Fire Rate Slow for 4s


Apply damage over time to all enemies nearby. Affliction's damage is non-leathal and does not apply item procs.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Cooldown: 127s
  • Radius: 14m
  • Trait 1: 23 DPS
  • Trait 1 scaling: x0.34
  • Trait 2: 18s Debuff Duration
  • Upgrade 1: -28s Cooldown
  • Upgrade 2: Suppress target' healing by 60%
  • Upgrade 3: +27 DPS

Default build

Early Game

  1. Healing Rite
  2. Mystic Burst
  3. Close Quarters
  4. Enduring Spirit
  5. Extra Spirit

Mid Game

  1. Mystic Shot
  2. Soul Shredder Bullets
  3. Enchanter's Barrier
  4. Combat Barrier
  5. Suppressor
  6. Mystic Vulnerability

Late Game

  1. Majestic Leap
  2. Improved Burst
  3. Improved Spirit
  4. Mystic Slow
  5. Boundless Spirit
  6. Escalating Exposure



  • Shotgun falloff start reduced from 22m to 16m
  • Enchanter's Satchel damage now respects line of sight
  • Enchanter's Satchel now shows an aoe indicator for Pocket while channeling
  • Affliction DPS Spirit Power scaling reduced from 0.4 to 0.34
  • Barrage radius reduced from 6.5m to 4.5m
  • Barrage T3 now also increases radius by 2m


  • Affliction no longer goes through walls, now respects line of sight
  • Barrage T3 reduced from +5% to +4%


  • Barrage amp per stack reduced from 7% to 6%
  • Bararge slow reduced from 40% to 30%
  • Added a brief lockout period on Flying Cloak to prevent accidental double clicks
  • Unlisted
  • Barrage T2 cooldown reduction reduced from -15s to -14s
  • Flying Cloak T1 cooldown reduction reduced from -15s to -14s
  • Enchanter's Satchel T1 cooldown reduction reduced from -5s to -4.75s
  • Affliction T1 cooldown reduction reduced from -30s to -28s


  • Barrage amp reduced from 8% to 7% per stack
  • Fixed Barrage amp visual not showing properly


  • Barrage now respects line of sight
  • Barrage amp effect now shows on Pocket
  • Base Bullet Resist increased from -15% to 0%
  • Base Spirit Resist reduced from 0% to -15%
  • Barrage Amp per stack reduced from 10% to 8%
  • Barrage T3 changed to +5% Amp Per Stack
  • Fixed the camera moving too slowly after teleporting with Cloak


  • Affliction damage is dealt over 18s instead of 16s (same total damage, lower DPS)
  • Enchanter's Satchel T3 changed from Disarms for 2.5s to Applies -40% Fire Rate for 4s


  • Base bullet resistance improved from -20% to -15%
  • Base gun damage reduced from 5.6 to 5.0
  • Gun damage growth increased from 0.35 to 0.4


  • Enchanter's Satchel duration from 1.5s to 2s
  • Enchanter's Satchel T3 changed to 2.5s Disarm


  • Enchanter's Satchel can now be canceled by shooting


  • Barrage base damage reduced from 40 to 35
  • Barrage T1 reduced from +20 to +15
  • Fixed a recent change causing Enchanter's Satchel to not play damage at the destination when teleporting with Flying Cloak


  • Barrage channel can now be interrupted by casting your other abilities
  • Barrage radius increased from 6m to 6.5m
  • Enchanted Satchel cast time reduced from 0.25s to 0.15s


  • Barrage radius increased from 5m to 6m
  • Barrage cooldown reduced from 35 to 30
  • Barrage T3 increased from 100% to 150%
  • Flying Cloak speed increased by 7%
  • Flying Cloak T3 increased from +5 damage to +7


  • Barrage T3 added, now heals Pocket for 100% of its damage (33% vs non-heroes)
  • Fixed some issues with Barrage projectiles getting caught on map geometry
  • Flying Cloak pathing improved, it will no longer bounce erratically off map geometry


  • Affliction visual and sound effects reworked
  • Enchanter’s Satchel visual effects updated
  • Gun damage per bullet reduced from 6 to 5.6
  • Affliction DPS reduced from 30 to 26


A Fate's Tale

Arin Fairfax, the eldest heir to Fairfax Industries, has been living in hiding for the past 5 years after being shot and left for dead on their 18th birthday. Arin doesn't know who is trying to keep them from taking control of their parent's company... but in the avarice fueled viper's nest that is Fairfax Industries, it could be anyone.

Taking on the name "Pocket", Arin desperately wants to keep their true identity a secret... not only for their own protection; but because they want to forge their own identity separate from their parents.


  • Pocket's alternative names in the game files is "Synth".
