
From Deadlock Wiki
Maggie McGinnis
Weapon Services Rendered
DPS 89
Health 550
Bullet resist 15%
Speed 6.8 m/s
Stamina 2
Voice Unknown
Great for New Players

"Ethics are for scientists that can't think big enough!"

McGinnis is an engineer who solves practical problems by creating even more problems - mostly for her enemies. Armed with her gigantic minigun, her heavy weapons are backed up by her combat turrets, creating an area of control that will kill her enemies if they commit to chasing her. If she's low on health, she'll just heal her allies with a medicinal specter. If she wants to stop herself from getting hurt, she'll throw out her spectral wall, splitting the battlefield between the dying and soon-to-be-dead. Plus there's the rockets - tons of them, in a general area, approximately aimed at the enemy. She's not fast, but when she's set up and shooting, she is supremely annoying to dislodge.


Controls the battle with combat turrets
Precise placement is everything for McGinnis, whether she's creating a killzone or splitting the enemy team. She can help keep her team running making them hard to dislodge when entrenched.



  • Services Rendered
  • 89 DPS
  • 7.15 Bullet Damage
  • 66 Ammo
  • 12.5 Bullets per sec
  • 63 Light Melee
  • 116 Heavy Melee


  • 550 Max Health
  • 2 Health Regen
  • 15% Bullet Resist
  • 0% Spirit Resist
  • 6.5 m/s move Speed
  • 0 m/s Sprint Speed
  • 2 Stamina

Level up:

  • +0.44 bullet damage
  • +3.4 base melee damage
  • +41 base health


  • Weapon windup speed: 50% per second
  • Weapon windup decay: 65% per second
  • Time per bullet: 0.2
  • Time per bullet at max windup: 0.08
  • Bullets per second: 5
  • Bullets per second at max windup: 12.5
  • Bullet radius: 4
  • Bullet spread: 0.45
  • Bullet spread increase per bullet: +0.15 (To a max of roughly 1, fills reticle)
  • Bullets per shot: 1
  • Bullet speed: 21000
  • Reload time: 3.29
  • Magazine size: 66
  • Pellet spread: NA
  • Reload type: Magazine
  • Bullet lifetime: 2
  • Bullet gravity scale: 0.8
  • Bullet range: 6
  • Burst amount: 1
  • Burst cycletime: NA
  • Recoil punch: 0
  • Has recoil: No


Mini Turret

Deploy a Mini Turret that automatically shoots enemies. The turret expires after a limited lifetime.
Turrets Gain 20% of McGinnis' max health and have 60% Spirit Resist. They deal reduced damage to troopers and objectives.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Range: 20m
  • Charges: 1
  • Charge time: 3s
  • Cooldown: 24s
  • Trait 1: 60 Turret DPS
  • Trait 1 scaling: x0.419328
  • Trait 2: 25m Attack Range
  • Trait extra 1: 24s Lifetime
  • Upgrade 1: Turrets apply +25% Movement slow
  • Upgrade 2: +10m Attack Range and +10% turret fire rate
  • Upgrade 3: +45 Turret DPS


  • Turrets deal -50% damage to Troopers/Neutrals and -70% damage to objectives.
  • Turrets have a spawn time of 0.25s
  • Turrets have an attack delay of 0.2s

Medicinal Specter

Deploy a spirit that heals nearby units.

  • Damage type: N/a
  • Cooldown: 48s
  • Range: 15m
  • Duration: 6s
  • Duration scaling: x0.12
  • Trait 1: +25/sec Health Regen
  • Trait extra 1: 5m Heal Radius
  • Trait extra 1 scaling: x0.05
  • Upgrade 1: +35% Fire Rate on units being healed by Medicinal Specter
  • Upgrade 2: -17s Cooldown
  • Upgrade 3: +5% Max Health Regen per second

Spectral Wall

Creates a wall that divides the terrain in half. On creation, the wall deals damage and applies slow to enemies nearby.
After casting, press [M1] or [3] to erupt the wall early.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Cooldown: 37s
  • Range: 50m
  • Duration: 5s
  • Trait 1: 64 Damage
  • Trait 1 scaling: x0.786240
  • Trait 2: 25% Movement Slow
  • Trait extra 1: 6m Minimum Range
  • Trait extra 2: 5m Impact Range
  • Trait extra 3: 2.5s Slow Duration
  • Upgrade 1: Removes 1 stamina and amplifies McGinnis' damage by 25% on hit enemies for 7s
  • Upgrade 2: -14s Cooldown
  • Upgrade 3: Adds a 1s Stun to enemies hit by Spectral Wall


Heavy Barrage

Unleashes a volley of rockets that home in on a targeted location.

  • Damage type: Spirit
  • Cooldown: 106s
  • Range: 50m
  • Trait 1: 30 Damage per rocket
  • Trait 1 scaling: x0.35
  • Trait 2: 6 Rockets per second
  • Trait 3: 5m Explosion Radius
  • Trait extra 1: 6m Min Range
  • Trait extra 2: 13s Channel Duration
  • Upgrade 1: Applies a 35% movement slow
  • Upgrade 2: -47s Cooldown
  • Upgrade 3: +30 Damage per Rocket

Default build

Early Game

  1. Extra Charge
  2. Rapid Rounds
  3. Enduring Spirit
  4. Extra Stamina
  5. Sprint Boots
  6. Mystic Reach

Mid Game

  1. Fleetfoot
  2. Improved Cooldown
  3. Bullet Armor
  4. Enchanter's Barrier
  5. Mystic Vulnerability

Late Game

  1. Tesla Bullets
  2. Rapid Recharge
  3. Heroic Aura
  4. Mystic Slow
  5. Superior Cooldown
  6. Echo Shard
  7. Escalating Exposure



  • Updated McGinnis Heavy Barrage sound
  • No longer has +25% Spirit Resist
  • Now has +15% Bullet Resist
  • Mini Turrets T1 no longer grants +1 charge
  • Mini Turrets duration reduced from 30s to 24s
  • Mini Turrets cooldown reduced from 30s to 24s
  • Mini Turrets health scaling reduced from 30% to 20%
  • Mini Turrets recharge time reduced from 5s to 3s
  • Mini Turrets cast range increased from 15m to 20m
  • Mini Turret damage reduction against troopers/neutrals increased from -40% to -50%
  • Mini Turret damage reduction against objectives increased from -60% to -70%
  • Fixed Ricochet not bouncing off of Mini Turrets
  • Mini Turret spawn time reduced from 1s to 0.25s
  • Mini Turret attack delay reduced from 0.35s to 0.2s
  • Heavy Barrage radius increased from 4.5m to 5m


  • Fixed looking up circumventing the min range on Wall and Barrage
  • Can now cast parry to cancel your ult
  • Fixed various issues with Spectral Wall indoors and near walls spawning the wrong number of segments


  • Medicinal Specter radius spirit power reduced from 0.07 to 0.05


  • Medicinal Spectre radius reduced from 6m to 5m
  • Medicinal Spectre radius now grows with Spirit Power (0.07)
  • Can no longer wall jump from Spectral Wall
  • Spectral Wall min range reduced from 7m to 6m
  • Spectral Wall duration reduced from 6s to 5s
  • Heavy Barrage spirit scaling increased from 0.3 to 0.35
  • Heavy Barrage min range reduced from 7m to 6m
  • Mini Turrets bullet travel speed increased
  • Unlisted
  • Medicinal Specter T2 cooldown reduction reduced from -18s to -17s
  • Spectral Wall T2 cooldown reduction reduced from -15s to -14s
  • Heavy Barrage T2 cooldown reduction reduced from -50s to -47s


  • Speed while shooting increased from 55% to 70%
  • Mini Turrets now prioritize any heroes McGinnis is shooting at
  • Medicinal Specter duration Spirit Power scaling increased from 0.09 to 0.12
  • Heavy Barrage T1 changed to Rockets apply 35% slow


  • Mini Turrets no longer target immune structures
  • Heavy Barrage cast/aim behavior improved for indoors and close range
  • Reverted recent melee damage reduction
  • Fixed Health Nova not working on Mini Turrets (when Health Nova was cast by McGinnis)
  • Mini Turret base HP increased from +50 to +75


  • Spectral Wall cooldown increased from 30s to 35s
  • Base melee damage reduced by 20%
  • Spectral Wall segments that are touching the Rejuv will be destroyed


  • Turrets receive full damage from enemy guns regardless of distance (fall off is not considered when taking damage)
  • Turrets outgoing damage fall off distance window (20m-35m) now scales with range upgrades
  • Turrets duration reduced from 40s to 30s


  • Mini Turret damage reduction against troopers/neutrals increased from -30% to -40%
  • Mini Turret damage reduction against objectives increased from -50% to -60%
  • Mini Turret falloff damage increased from -30% to -35%
  • Mini Turret cooldown reduced from 30s to 28s
  • Mini Turret recharge time reduced from 6s to 5s
  • Spectral Wall T1 and T2 swapped
  • Spectral Wall T1 stamina drain reduced from 2 to 1


  • Fixed her gun having a recent regression that caused it to not have any spread
  • Mini Turret damage reduced by up to 30% at 35m (now has bullet falloff from 20m to 35m)
  • Mini Turret deploy time reduced from 2s to 1s
  • Mini Turret now shows up on the minimap
  • Medicinal Spectre can no longer be attacked
  • Spectral Wall height increased by 2m
  • Spectral Wall slow duration increased from 2s to 2.5s
  • Fixed a bug with Spectral Wall that caused the Rejuvenator to instantly drop


  • Turret range reduced from 30m to 25m
  • Turret HP scaling reduced from 40% to 30% (affects initial HP too)
  • Turret cooldown reduced from 35s to 30s
  • Turret Charge Time reduced from 8s to 6s
  • Base Spirit Resist increased from 20% to 25%
  • Base Regen increased from 1 to 2
  • Spectral Wall cooldown reduced from 35s to 30s
  • Heavy Barrage cooldown reduced from 110s to 100s


  • Mini Turret charge delay reduced from 10s to 8s
  • Fixed Echo Shard to be compatible with Spectral Wall again (Activating echo shard resets the ability so you can cast it again and not have to cancel your first one. After casting the 2nd, using cancel will remove the first wall first)
  • Can now dismiss Spectral Wall while channeling other abilities (Heavy Barrage)


  • Spectral Wall can now be dismissed early


  • Rocket Barrage now does less damage to objectives similar to other ability damage


  • Fixed certain rooftops allowing turrets to be built on them


  • Mini Turret T1 is now +1 Charge and +25% Movement Slow
  • Mini Turret T2 is now +10m Attack Range and +10% Fire Rate
  • Spectral Wall cooldown reduced from 40s to 35s


  • Mini Turret Spirit Resistance increased 50% to 60%
  • Mini Turret Health increased from 30% to 40%
  • Mini Turret T2 increased from +5m Range to +10m
  • Fixed issues with Heavy Barrage not damaging units within the target area


  • Heavy Barrage now reduces your speed rather than setting it to a low cap (by itself this change isn't a buff or a nerf, but it allows you to buy items to move faster during the ultimate)
  • Heavy Barrage camera interaction with Fleetfoot Boots has been fixed


A Fate's Tale

Maggie McGinnis always had a knack for building things. At 4 she was using Lincoln Logs to recreate architectural marvels. At 10 she built and required a custom light fixture for her parent's anniversary. At 15 she designed a machine that refined the souls of the dead... that last one got a little more attention than the Lincoln Logs.

Now, the head of Fairfax Industries Military R&D department, McGinnis spends her time in the machine shop, not in a lab. She's not interested in theory, to her science is magic you can touch.

